Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is manual physical therapy?
Manual physical therapy is the skilled use of a clinician’s hands to treat a particular dysfunction. For example, if you have back pain, manual therapy might include soft tissue mobilization, fascial work, and skilled techniques to correct joint dysfunction in the spine that could be causing pain.

What can I expect with my first visit?
I will take a history from you about what’s going on and then do a thorough evaluation of how you move functionally, what muscles might be tight or too long, and what muscles might be weak or are not being recruited properly. I will look at the joints that are involved and decide what is causing your problem or pain. I do not believe in just treating symptoms. I believe you have to figure out what the problem is and address it, in order to resolve the symptoms.

How should I dress for PT?
Comfortably and in a manner that allows for freedom of movement. If I am evaluating your spine, I will need to see it. The same applies to your knee.

What makes River City PT different from other PT clinics?
I am a one-woman- show. I have no staff, so I am the one treating you and you are the only patient I will have during your treatment time. I do not utilize Physical Therapy Techs so I will be conducting your therapy from start to finish. I will design your treatment plan with you and teach you what you need to do to manage your symptoms. Most of us have a limited amount of time to take care of ourselves. By seeing one patient at a time, I can streamline your treatment and if you help in your treatment process by doing the things I suggest, your symptoms will resolve quicker and require fewer visits.

What is a “cash-based” practice?
I am a Blue Cross Blue Shield of TN provider, but for now, that is the only insurance I will be taking. For all others, I will take cash, checks, or credit cards. With the current changes in health care, many people are paying higher deductibles, meaning until you meet your deductible, you pay everything out of pocket. I do not keep support staff as a means to streamline my approach and the reimbursement process is time consuming and would require additional staff.

Your first visit will afford me the chance to take a look at your course of care and determine a treatment plan. Payment is due at the time of your visit. I realize that it’s painful to pay money for your health, but if you are in pain or if your activity level is affected, it affects all areas of your life. The quality of care you receive when it comes to your health should be important to you. It is a known fact that in this country, we spend more money per year on our pets than we do on our own health! It’s time to take charge of your health!

What is a usual course of treatment?
It depends, of course, on what I am treating you for and on how long your symptoms have been present. If you have had back pain for 15 years, I might no be able to get rid of it in 3 visits, but I can give you things that might help to reduce your symptoms. Current research shows that if back pain is treated within the first 6 weeks of symptom onset, less visits, and thus, much less health care dollars are required to resolve the patient’s dysfunction. I usually see patients for therapy 1-2 times per week, depending on the diagnosis and severity of pain.

Do I need a referral from a physician to have physical therapy?
No, Tennessee has direct access, meaning you may see a physical therapist without having to see a physician first. If, however, I evaluate you and think that you need to see a physician for further testing, I will recommend you do so prior to having treatment.


Patient Testimonials

  • Heike Baesecke
    Winthrop, WA


Nan Floyd
Winthrop WA